If you knew
The Truth.
Would You Cast a Vote for ?

Sisolak’s tenure as Governor has been riddled with corruption, Sisolak allowed a COVID testing company tied to one of his campaign donors to skip the waiting line for a license.
Tragically, the COVID tests had a 96% failure rate1

When lives were on the line…. Sisolak was silent.
In fact, when a formal complaint was filed it went unanswered for days. Finally, when it was answered, the state told the company they could continue providing fraudulent tests.2
Now Sisolak is facing a federal investigation.

The corruption doesn’t stop there.
Sisolak’s wife has received government contracts, including no bid deals, while her husband has been governor – something he did not disclose to the public.3
Sisolak hasn’t ended the contract, he’s still lining his pockets with taxpayer money.

According to the former director of the Department of Employment, Sisolak pushed special interests groups to the front of the line for COVID-19 unemployment claims, leaving struggling Nevadans to fend for themselves.4
Would You Cast a Vote for Steve Sisolak Now?

Paid for and authorized by Better Nevada PAC Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
1 https://thenevadaindependent.com/article/sisolak-calls-covid-testing-companys-actions-despicable-defends-response
2 https://www.propublica.org/article/northshore-labs-nevada-investigation
3 https://360newslasvegas.com/kathy-the-vig-sisolaks-250k-no-bid-contract-from-water-authority/
4 https://thenevadaindependent.com/article/former-head-of-detr-optics-seemed-to-color-sisolak-administrations-unemployment-response
Paid for and authorized by Better Nevada PAC Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.